Amber Gulley
It's Autumn, 1879, and a violent storm brews close to the horizon. But how much more supernatural chaos can the streets of London take?
Join Lotte, a disillusioned seamstress; Charlie, a cockroach of ill-fortune; Jack, a clockwork doll; some villains you've met before, and a couple you haven't, as they all do their best to get along in what you might expect from a day at C. Hole's Curios.

Alas, as I tumbled through the fog-swathed atmosphere, down towards the dark London streets, Big Ben began to toll in a furtive sort of way, as if it were terribly sorry to have to inform me that the hour was much later, or earlier than I had initially thought it to be. For, indeed, after the twelfth resounding peal I noted with dismay that the beastly den I had so longingly tried to flee, uncoiled as it rushed toward me, the peaks of its slumbering rooftops glinting and sharp in the moonlight like the fangs of a giant, midnight serpent, who’s gullet no doubt bore a fresh parade of horrors and unrelenting absurdities.

Lotte, sewing away by candlelight
(image: Godey's lady's book, 1863)